Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Mark Thomas: The hilarious truth about the banking crisis

Mark Thomas, Britain's premier commentator on social hypocrisy is back, this time focusing his attention on the banking crisis.


He starts off by interviewing a former trader Sargon Nissan, and its amazing hearing some of the revelations and hidden truths.


You can also subscribe to it via iTunes Podcasts.


For instance, do you remember during the US election the Republicans blamed the subprime crisis on Democratic president Clinton removing regulations on the banks. Well its interesting to hear just what that regulation was, and the real reason for it being lifted. The fact it was lifted wasn't the problem, it was the banks unexpected immoral behaviour without that regulation.

Or how Citigroup faced going bust, was bailed out with billions from the US government, and a few weeks later ordered a bunch of Learjets for its board and then spent $400m sponsoring the New York Mets new baseball field. http://www.marktalk.com/blog/archives/2371

You’ve gotta feel bad for the banks, well you wouldn’t want to feel good for them would you?

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